Message From the VC

Vice-Chancellor, SSTU

Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Naim Sheikh

I am delighted to welcome you to Sunamgonj Science and technology University, a vibrant and innovative institution that was newly founded in 2020. We are dedicated to shaping the future of education in line with the Government’s vision 2041, which envisions a prosperous and knowledge-driven Bangladesh.

Sunamgonj Science and Technology University has always been committed to providing a world class educational experiences. We believe that education is cornerstone of progress and prosperity.

As we strive for academic excellence, let us also remember our responsibility to the well being of the rural population. Moreover, our commitment to research and innovation is unwavering. We understand that research is the catalyst for progress, and our university is at the forefront of driving innovation that can benefit our society and country.  Our research, outreach and educational programs should aim to address the unique challenges and opportunities that rural communities faces.

In alignment with the vision of our current government, we are dedicated to the development and advancement of our nation. The knowledge and skills you acquire here will not only shape your future but also contribute to the growth and prosperity of our beloved country.

The University’s doors are open for people from all classes, religions and parts of the country, and indeed, also for international students. Its campus, too, regularly will host different national and international events and festivals where people from every corner can and do participate. This beautiful region is home to a diverse ecosystem, and it is our duty to protect and conserve it. We must incorporate sustainability into our academic programs and practices, nurturing an environment that is in harmony with nature. 

At the time when our country is dreaming to become a developed nation by 2041 and has made a firm commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, and in an age when we are witnessing the emergence of spirited youths all set to participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), I can affirm that the is well prepared SSTU is well prepared to meet all future challenges and is ready to lead the nation with its available resources, dedicated administrators, experienced faculty members and newly admitted students and employees. 

I encourage all you to work together, foster innovation, and uphold the values of higher education, rural development, and environmental conservation. Together we can make a significant and positive impact on our society and our surroundings.